Account management
Account settings
Settings tab gives you the possibility to manage your settings preferences and required information like Steam Trade URL. If you are interested in changing your account currency and language settings, go to this article: Settings of the currency and language Additionally, in the Settings tab you can also find your transaction history. To read more about this go to this article: Account history AFew readersSettings of currency and language
In our service you have the option to change the setting of your displayed currency and language. You can change your preferences in two ways: Language and currency settings You can find this option at the top of our site, next to our logo. It will display names of your currently setted up language and currency. Also, it will display the flag of the current language you are using. To change your settings, click at the shown information and you will see the settings panel. In the panFew readersWhat is self-exclusion?
With self-exclusion, you can restrict your access to Key-Drop for a specified period of time. While in self-exclusion mode, you will not be able to use most Key-Drop features. Self-exclusion means that you can’t: Add funds to your account, including via Pay by Skins Open Daily Cases Join or create any Giveaways Use Golden Codes Access the Skin Changer If you decide to use self-exclusion for your account, go to your account settings, where you’ll be able to select a start and end dFew readers
Account information
Key-Drop profile
Key-Drop profile is a public profile of every user in our service. On Key-Drop profile you can find basic information like nickname and avatar. Additionally, on Key-Drop profile you can find user statistics in our service such as amount of opened cases, played battles etc. How to find your Key-Drop profile To find your Key-Drop profile, just go to the “My Account” tab. Under your avatar you will see the “View your public profile” link. After you click on this link, you will be redirectedFew readersAccount History
Every user in our service has the possibility to check their account history. You can find your account history in your settings tab in our service. To find your account history: Go to “My account” tab Open “Settings” tab In the “Settings” tab, you will find your account history at the right side of the tab. Deposits history This section will contain all the history of your top-up’s in our service. Information about every deposit will contain the type of the transaction,Few readers